Immerse SDK
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Build & Upload

There are no specific steps to building an application that are imposed by the SDK. However, when uploading your application to the platform, a Manifest file must be included.

A Manifest is generated each time you generate a build from Unity. The SDK will then, if ‘Zip Output’ is enabled, zip this build along with the manifest into an archive ready to upload to the platform.

Build Tools Foldout

Uploading your Application

To upload your application to the developer portal, navigate to the ‘Build Tools’ dropdown in the Immerse SDK section of Unity’s Project Settings. From here you can select the builds you wish to upload for each platform (validation checks will run automatically). Then click the ‘Upload Selected’ button to begin the upload process.

Anti-Virus Check

After the upload process is completed, an anti-virus check will run before your application will become available on the platform. Clicking ‘Cancel’ on the progress bar cause it to continue to run in the background, this process runs on the platform not on your local machine, you will be able to check the progress of this in the Build Tools foldout.

Building WebGL applications

WebGL applications built with the Immerse SDK, must be hosted on the Immerse Platform, or they will not function correctly

Immerse WebGL applications are built with Unity and the Immerse SDK, just like Android or PCVR applications, however there are some considerations:

Using the Immerse SDK

-Content is built using WebAssembly
-Only Google Chrome (Mac and Windows) and Microsoft Edge (Windows) are supported. Android and iOS are currently not supported
-Keyboard input is unavailable; all interactions must be performed with a mouse.
-Upon upload, the Immerse Platform will strip JavaScript libraries, which might cause issues with some assets and components. When testing a WebGL application, if you receive errors referring to .js or .jslib files, this is likely because they have been removed on upload.
-Make use of the StreamingAssets folder, for video files and other assets

General considerations

Unlike standalone Android VR applications (where the hardware is consistent) or PCVR (where the user is likely to have access to high performance processing), WebGL applications should typically be optimised for lower end devices and connection speeds. It is likely that users will have a PC supplied by their IT department, so bear this in mind during the development process.

There is a known Unity bug which occurs with Unity 2021.2, so please upgrade to 2021.3