Immerse SDK
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🗒️ Release Notes

v1.14.0 - 1 August 2024


  • Catching exceptions when using Process.Start()
  • When unable to launch the browser to sign in, the URL will be printed to the console

v1.13.0 - 17 April 2024


  • Fixed issue with reporting for platform V3 users
  • Fixed possible memory leak when sending report statements

v1.12.0 - 9 February 2024


  • Added Immerse platform request IDs to log messages to help with debugging
  • Added ability to add to the Scene Index when in the Unity editor
  • Added a method to check if the Scene Index already Contains an object


  • Fixed an issue where voice would not reconnect when pausing and resuming an android app

v1.11.0 - 4 December 2023


  • Added feature toggling based on organization configuration
    • App uploads
    • Voice
    • Reporting attachments


  • Improved handling when a null/empty PIN is used during authentication

v1.10.0 - 5 October 2023


  • PIN authentication is now environment agnostic
  • Added method to return to the Immerse App
  • Improved and exposed SDK API features for building and uploading apps


  • None

v1.9.0 - 22 September 2023


  • Added foldout for index list on the Scene Index component
  • Authoritative user is now identified in the editor user list
  • Added ability for attaching media to report statements (Must be enabled for your organization. Requires Reporting package 1.3+)
  • Added passthrough launch utility for launching apps on a device as though they were launched via the Immerse App
  • ‘Single user’ is now the default for new projects
  • Improved support for single user apps in WebGL
  • Improved support for headless building
  • Simplified and exposed SDK API features for project management and editor sessions


  • Test participant credentials are no longer cleared when entering play mode in the editor
  • Session user data is now retrieved before triggering the OnAuthenticationResponse event
  • Fixed issue where teleporting was unavailable in single user apps
  • Fixed possible issue where multi-user connection would fail on some devices

v1.8.0 - 15 May 2023


  • ‘Executive User’ was renamed to ‘Authoritative User’
  • Added editor tool for viewing audio tags
  • Added link suggestion notification when creating a reporting hierarchy
  • User data is now available after authentication, making it available in single user sessions
  • Added automatic report statements (when using Reporting package) for session events
  • Added option to export the manifest only


  • Fixed typo in create single file tool
  • Improved handling of editor token timeout
  • Fixed issue where project would sometimes become unlinked
  • Fixed an issue where the PIN prefab would become unlinked
  • Fixed possible failure when connecting to a WebGL session
  • Fixed issue where authenticated user email would not display in the editor
  • Improved offline mode networking emulation to fix an issue with snapping in the interaction package

v1.7.2 - 21 November 2022


  • None


  • Fixed reporting activity IDs in manifest

v1.7.1 - 15 November 2022


  • Added android bundle ID / package name to the manifest
  • Reporting package statement validation failures are now printed in the console


  • Fixed developer account identification when using platform P3
  • Fixed reporting link generation when using the Reporting package
  • Fixed null reference in reporting view when switching users
  • Fixed test participant generated links not working

v1.7.0 - 8 November 2022


  • ‘Guests’ are now known as ‘Test Participants’
  • Added singleUser flag to manifest to identify single user only apps
  • Support for Immerse App pass through authentication
  • Added ‘Test Participant’ option to Connection foldout for easier testing as anonymous user
  • Project ID is now exposed at runtime
  • Reporting structure added to manifest (when using Reporting package)


  • Triggering UI repaint after editor sign in
  • Allow right click on sign in button when password field is empty
  • Fixed issue causing that was causing app uploads to fail in the Unity editor

v1.6.0 - 20 September 2022


  • Semantic version validation for version field
  • Improved messaging when creating & unlinking a project
  • Added single zip tool
  • Added events to TransformSync when authority changes
  • Added extensions for ToggleObjects feature
  • Added message debugger window
  • Improved user list window


  • Fixed possible null reference when expanding Messages list
  • Replaced Pointer_stringify usage

v1.5.0 - 8 July 2022


  • Exposed PinAuthRequest constructor that uses default internal host
  • Improved Scene component editor
  • Added method to delete all TransformSync persisted states
  • Clearing cached data from network messages when disconnecting
  • Added Networking.Client.Cache for storing and clearing data related to a session
  • Editor offline mode


  • Fixed compiler issue when updating the package (for future versions)
  • Fixed incorrect warning in indexed components instantiated at runtime
  • Fixed issue where UI would not repaint after generating a PIN
  • Fixed avatar colorization warning