Immerse SDK
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The fastest way to get into a session is to use the Auto-Connect feature. This was the default behavior in version 4.x of the SDK. With this option enabled, as soon as the application starts the process of connecting to the platform will start immediately.

Connection foldout in Immerse SDK settings

1. Authenticating the User

The first step is to authenticate the user. For the Unity Editor or WebGL and Windows applications launched from the Immerse Platform, this step is automatic. For other platforms, such as Android, a PIN panel will be displayed for the user to input their generated PIN.

2. Connecting to Multi-user

Once authenticated, the auto-connect process will attempt to connect to the multi-user service using the credentials received from the authentication step.


Field Description
Auto Connect Automatically connect to a session after the user is authenticated
Start Message Queue Start processing Messages as soon as a connection is made.
Offline Mode Skip the authentication step and connect to a mock multi-user service. Platform services such as reporting] will be unavailable.
Auto Authenticate Automatically authenticate against the platform when the application starts. Where a PIN is required, this will display the PIN panel. On the WebGL platform, disabling this option will have no effect as authentication is already handled through the browser.
PIN Input Prefab The prefab to use when a PIN is required for authentication (such as Android applications)
Use PIN in Editor Display the PIN panel for authentication while in the Unity editor. This is useful for testing PIN Input methods without deploying to a device. (Intended for development use)