Immerse SDK
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public static void Send(string eventType, string objectType, string objectId)

Send a report message

Parameter Description
eventType Type/category of event
objectType What kind of object we’re tracking
objectId An identifier for the specific instance of this object

public static void Send(string eventType, string objectType, string objectId, XApiData xApiData)

Send a report message with xAPI data

Parameter Description
eventType Type/category of event
objectType What kind of object we’re tracking
objectId An identifier for the specific instance of this object
xApiData xAPI data

public static void Send(string verb, string object)

Report an action

Parameter Description
verb What was done
object Subject of the action

public static void Send(string verb, string object, Result result)

Report an action with result information

Parameter Description
verb What was done
object Subject of the action
result Result information

public static void Send(Result result)

Report result information

Parameter Description
result Result information