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class in ImmerseSDK.SpectatorCamera / Inherits from MonoBehaviour

Controls the position and rotation of a Camera to follow the selected CameraTarget.
This should be attached to a UnityEngine.Camera.

Static Properties
Instance Instance of the spectator camera controller (only 1 is supported at a time)
Static Methods
Select Select the specified CameraTarget.
MovementSpeed Max speed in which the camera will move between targets
AngularSpeed Max rotational speed in which the camera will rotate to a new target rotation
TransitionCurve Acceleration/deceleration for transition between targets
MaxDistance Max distance allowed when using the auto transition
RaycastLayerMask Layers to use when searching for obstructions to the path
OnTargetChanged Event triggered when the camera target changes
CurrentTarget The current target
DesiredTarget The ID of the desired target
CurrentTarget could be a fallback