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Highlight an Object

Highlighting an object can be done in a multitude of ways. The quickest of which is to add a Highlight component, which can be enabled/disabled to highlight the object it is attached to.

Highlighting via Code

To take advantage of the full flexibility of the Highlight package, you will need to highlight via code.

Simple Highlighting

The most simple way to highlight an object is by passing in a GameObject. The code example below demonstrates how to do this.

using ImmerseSDK.Highlight;

var highlightHandle = HighlightService.CreateHighlight(gameObject);

The method to create a highlight will return a HighlightHandle. This object is used when you wish to remove the highlight.

using ImmerseSDK.Highlight;


If you only wish to temporarily hide the highlight, an Enabled parameter exists within the HighlightHandle class that will disable it. However, when you are done with it, it is strongly advised to remove it properly to all Unity to free up memory.

Highlight Config

For more control over the behaviour of the highlight, a HighlightConfig is required. This object allows you to change settings for a specific highlight such as the material and mesh used and if the highlight should follow the original object being highlighted or not.

The below example demonstrates how to create a highlight that will use ’target’ as reference for it’s mesh and for it’s position/rotation as well as using the custom Material ‘material’ to draw the highlight.

using ImmerseSDK.Highlight;

var config = new HighlightConfig 
  MeshSource = target,
  FollowTransform = target,
  Material = material

var highlightHandle = HighlightService.CreateHighlight(config);

The full list of options available in the HighlightConfig class are listed below

Parameter Description
Offsets Position, rotation and scale offsets to use when drawing the mesh. If a Follow Transform is supplied, the offsets are applied from this transform. Otherwise the offsets are applied from the Mesh Source transform or applied directly to a supplied Mesh.
Mesh Mesh to draw. This takes priority over the MeshSource property
MeshSource Transform used to generate the mesh at runtime. Ignored if the Mesh property is supplied
FollowTransform Transform that the drawn mesh will follow. If not supplied, the mesh will not follow anything
Material Material to draw the mesh with. If not supplied, will use the default material from Highlight Settings
MaterialPropertyBlock MaterialPropertyBlock for editing material properties. If not supplied, will create a new one
Layer Layer to draw the mesh. If not supplied, will use the default layer from Highlight Settings