Physical Hands
It can be useful for the avatar’s hands to interact physically with the world e.g. hand not going through the wall, instead of the hand matching the controller position and going through everything. The physical hands feature of the SDK enables this physical behaviour on the hands.
The XRControllerPhysics component should be placed on the tracked part of the hand and sets the visual part of the hand’s position depending on how it is set up. When physics are enabled, the visual part of the hand will react as part of Unity’s physics system according to the settings set on the component.
Field | Description |
Mode | Set the physics mode for the hand to one of the following modes
Offset (Dynamic Only) | Set the offiset for the dynamic mode detection trigger. |
Radius (Dynamic Only) | Set the radius of the dynamic mode detection trigger. |
Layer Mask (Dynamic Only) | Layers that the detection trigger should respond to. |
XR Interactor | The interactor on this Hand |
Hand | The visual part of the hand to match with the transform this component is on |
Physics Settings | The settings configuration for when the hands are physical |