Immerse SDK
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The Handle component is a core part of the Interaction. These are what allow a user to ‘grab’ an object.

The most common way to add a Handle to a GameObject is by using the Add Component menu. The Handle can be in the Component menu: Component > Immerse > Interaction > Interactable > Handle

An alternative way to add a Handle to a GameObject is by using the GameObject menu entry: GameObject > Create Other > Immerse > Interaction > Handle With the object you wish to pick up selected in the Unity editor, this menu item will create a new child with a Handle component targeting the Rigidbody in the parent.

Handle component as it appears in the Inspector

Field Description
Rigidbody The Rigidbody that forces should be applied to. This can be on the same GameObject but is often found on a parent.
Physics Settings Physics configuration to use for this interaction.
Ignore Distance If distance should be ignored when grabbing this handle.
Haptic Feedback Haptic feedback settings used when interacting with this handle
Local Only (Platform Services Only) If interaction with this handle should be simulated locally only.
Poses Assign hand poses when grabbing this handle.
Keep Offset If the positional and rotational offset of the hand should be retained when engaging the Handle.
Requirements Requirements that must be met before a user can engage this handle
  • On Hover Enter - Triggered when a Handle enters range to be grabbed
  • On Hover Exit - Triggered when a Handle leaves range to be grabbed
  • On Grab - Triggered when the Handle is grabbed
  • On Release - Triggered when the Handle is released
When using the Platform Services package, a Scene Registry is required in order to identify your Handles. If no Scene Registry is present, the Handle will be unresponsive.