Immerse SDK
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Physical Buttons

Physical Buttons can be used to allow users to interact with your scene by pressing a button with your controller.

The default setup for the physical button

Field Description
Axis The axis the button will move on when pressed
Limit How much the button can be pressed
Activation Point The point at which the button is considered pressed. This is a normalised value where 0 is not pressed and 1 is at the limit.
Reset Point The point at which the button is considered released. This is a normalised value where 0 is not pressed and 1 is at the limit.
Frequency & Dampening These settings adjust how the button reacts to being pressed.
Event Filter Which avatars to send events for when pressed.
  • On Press - Triggered when the button is pressed in to the activation point
  • On Release - Triggered when the button is released past the reset point

Example Button

Creating A Physical Button

The Interaction package comes with a prefab to help speed up creation of your button, this can be found in GameObject > Create Other > Immerse > Interaction > Prefabs > Button This will create a button that you can use as a base for your own button.

Alternatively the PhysicalButton component can be added to your GameObject in the component menu Immerse > Interaction > Interactable > Physical Button