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Sending Statements

Once you have created a hierarchy you will need to implement triggers in your app to send statements at runtime. This can be done via code or by using the included components.

Completion Statement

A completion statement is the most important statement for a session. It indicates whether a user has completed the assignment and whether they were successful. Optionally, it can also include the overall score for the assignment.

Sending a completion statement is done similarly to sending any other activity statement, but it is sent against the top-level activity (the reporting hierarchy asset itself). A completion statement must include, at a minimum, ‘completion’ and ‘success’ values in the statement’s result.

See below for and example of how to implement the most basic completion statement use code. In this example, the user completed the assignment, but was not successful. The same can be achieved using components.

using ImmerseSDK.Platform.Reporting.Statements;
using ImmerseSDK.Platform.Reporting.Structure;

private ReportHierarchy _reportHierarchy;

var result = new Result
    Completion = true,
    Success = false
